Sorority sisters are the siblings God forgot to give us

Friday, June 29, 2012

Traveling Delta Zetas

Summer is the perfect time to study abroad, and so many Delta Zetas have taken advantage of this opportunity. France, Ireland, Haiti, and Rome are some of the scenic places our sisters have been living in these past few months. Some are traveling abroad to take classes and enjoy the new culture, while others have been interning overseas. Every summer it seems like a lot of Delta Zetas decide to travel abroad with their sisters. Not only are they experiencing a new country, but they're doing it together. Double the fun!

 Delta Zeta love from the Swiss Alps!
Delta Zeta representation in Rome
Julia interning in Ireland
Our president, Mara, posing in Paris
Haley wearing a DZ tank on the Great Wall of China!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Paddle Pass

Every April, we hold our annual Paddle Pass where the "big sister" will create a paddle for their "little sister". This year it was a lot of fun because the bigs made a maze of yarn around the house for their little to follow! Once the little got to the end of the yarn, their big was awaiting them with their new paddle! Paddles are a something we cherish as Delta Zetas and keep for the rest of our lives.

Jessie loved her paddle that Mary made for her!

Some of PC '11 being silly

Grand-big, big, and little holding up their paddles

It's a family affair

PC '11 grinning with their new paddles

Hayley made this adorable paddle for her little Amy!

Mother Daughter Tea

With the organization of our activities chair, Kelly, and our vice president of programming, Alex, the women of Delta Zeta, along with their mothers (and grandmothers), enjoyed a lunch and tea at a country club in Bryan. It was so special to show our mothers how much they mean to us by honoring them at this tea. Not only was there lunch, but we also hired a photographer to take professional pictures in front of a hand-painted banner. After everyone ate lunch, we were all given the opportunity to vote on various awards such as "best hat", "best sundress", and "mother/daughter look-a-like".

All of the girls and their mothers looked beautiful in sundresses and big hats

Kelly and Alex calculating all of the votes

Sydney and her mother won best hats for mom and daughter!

Kathryn and Kelly surprised all of the mothers and daughters by singing "Best Day" by Taylor Swift after all of the awards were announced

This day wouldn't have been possible without Kelly and Alex's hard work!

Duck Calls and Overalls

My favorite part of the semester is when we have our crush parties. A crush party is where each member in our chapter is allowed to invite up to 4 guys. The parties are usually themed, and this spring semester, we had a duck calls themed party. Everyone showed up wearing camo from head to toe. It was a lot of fun meeting new people and dancing until around 1 in the morning.

Going to the Chapel

It's a tradition in our sorority that whenever one of our sisters gets engaged, they will hold a ring pass after a weekly meeting! This is supposed to be a secret, so without anyone's knowledge, the ring will get placed on a bouquet of flowers. When the ring pass starts, a candle is lit, and the ring gets passed around the circle while everyone in the chapter sings a special Delta Zeta ritual song. The ring will get passed around the circle a couple of times, and finally, the sister whom it belongs to will blow out the candle! This is a fun way to reveal to the chapter their great news. Once all of the hugs and congratulations have subsided, the newly engaged sister will stand up on a chair in the middle of everyone and she will tell the story of how her perfect fiance popped the question.

This past year we have had three ring passes for three amazing women in our chapter!

Congratulations on your engagement, Kristen!

Congratulations Madeline!

Congratulations Hope!

We wish Kristen, Madeline, Hope, and their husbands-to-be the best of luck in the future!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Congratulations Audrey Roeder

One of our very own, Audrey, was Director of Parent's Weekend this school year. She planned and coordinated events such as Ring Day, Midnight Yell, All University Awards, and the newest event, Taste of Aggieland! At Taste of Aggieland, all were welcome to come taste various foods from restaurants around the College Station area. Even though it was the first year, there was a huge turn-out for this event, and it was a major success.

Audrey deserves a major congratulation because her event was named "SGA Program of the Year" for 2011-2012!

Audrey and her committee helped plan all of these amazing events this semester! The newest being "Taste of Aggieland" 

Audrey, located to the left of President Loftin, along with her committee at the event

The prestigious award!

Everyone in the BCS community, especially her Delta Zeta chapter, was amazed by the amount of work that Audrey put into Parent's Weekend!

For more information on what Audrey did for Parent's Weekend go to this news article:

It's That Time of Year - Formal

This past Saturday, April 28th, was our spring formal. Thanks to Kristen Singer's generous grandfather, we were allowed to hold the formal at the Miramont Hotel in Bryan. The doors opened at 8 PM, and shortly after that all of the beautiful Delta Zetas and their handsome dates arrived. At the formal, there was a dessert bar stocked with keylime pie, chocolate cake, and Italian cream cake. Not only was there music and dessert, but also, towards the end of the night, our yearly awards were announced. The awards ranged from "Best Big/Lil" to "DZ Dream Girl" to "Best Officer". The entire chapter got a say in who was awarded what, so it was really exciting to hear who won! What a great way to end the year.

A bunch of DZ's and their dates got together beforehand to enjoy a fancy dinner before the formal started

Posing in front of golden, glitter "DZ" letters outside of the ballroom!

PC '10 and PC '11 looking beautiful

Strike a pose!

Congrats on Best Big/Little Mara and Jenn! Y'all deserved it.

Special thanks to our social chair Kaitlyn Bennett for planning this eventful night!

Delta Zeta's 5th Annual TURTLE TUG 2012

This spring semester, the women of Delta Zeta held one of our philanthropy events, Turtle Tug. Through the amazing leadership of Allison King, Ashley Maskus, Erin Loth, and Heather Luedeker, we were given the opportunity to donate all of the proceeds to help the Painted Turtle Camp. The Painted Turtle Camp is a camp located in California for kids ages 7 to 16 with serious illnesses.

Turtle Tug is a competition for teams of 4 to participate in. Each team is placed in one of the three brackets: all-girls, all-boys, and co-ed. This year we had over 23 teams sign up to compete, and at the end of the day, there were three teams that won first place in their respective brackets and went home with a basket full of prizes!

All of the participants were greeted by this hand-painted banner when they arrived the day of the competition

Our wonderful philanthropy chair, Jessica, excited for all of the festivities to start!

Some of our amazing PC '08 and PC '11 girls enjoying the lunch we had catered by Chick-Fil-A for all of the participants.

Everyone's favorite part of a tug-of-war competition: the green jello

Cheering on teams to victory with our sisters

Our very own Delta Zeta team ended up placing 2nd overall in the girl's bracket! Way to go "Ninja Turtles"!

It wouldn't be a successful event unless someone left covered head-to-toe in jello!

Special thanks to our Turtle Tug chairs Ashley, Erin, Heather, and Allison! Y'all were awesome and you made this event such a success!

To get more information about The Painted Turtle Camp go to We also want to give a special thanks to all of those who donated to help us with this event and to all of the participants!