Sorority sisters are the siblings God forgot to give us

Monday, April 30, 2012

It's That Time of Year - Formal

This past Saturday, April 28th, was our spring formal. Thanks to Kristen Singer's generous grandfather, we were allowed to hold the formal at the Miramont Hotel in Bryan. The doors opened at 8 PM, and shortly after that all of the beautiful Delta Zetas and their handsome dates arrived. At the formal, there was a dessert bar stocked with keylime pie, chocolate cake, and Italian cream cake. Not only was there music and dessert, but also, towards the end of the night, our yearly awards were announced. The awards ranged from "Best Big/Lil" to "DZ Dream Girl" to "Best Officer". The entire chapter got a say in who was awarded what, so it was really exciting to hear who won! What a great way to end the year.

A bunch of DZ's and their dates got together beforehand to enjoy a fancy dinner before the formal started

Posing in front of golden, glitter "DZ" letters outside of the ballroom!

PC '10 and PC '11 looking beautiful

Strike a pose!

Congrats on Best Big/Little Mara and Jenn! Y'all deserved it.

Special thanks to our social chair Kaitlyn Bennett for planning this eventful night!

1 comment:

  1. This was my last formal, and I could not be prouder of my DZ sisters! We accomplished so much in this semester and I love you all!!! Where ever life take you, always remember, DZLAM :)
